Accessing up-to-date knowledge in emergency medicine: Internet

İbrahim Türkçüer

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
8506 5572

International Federation for Emergency Medicine Model Curriculum for Medical Student Education in Emergency Medicine

Cherri Hobgood, Venkataraman Anantharaman, Glen Bandıera, Peter Cameron, Pinchas Halpern, James Hollıman, Nicholas Jourıles, Darren Kılroy, Terrence Mullıgan, Andrew Sınger

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
8425 4426

Patients “Trafficked” to the Emergency Department: Renal Failure and Other Effects on the Community Health


Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
4296 3601

A Rare Diagnosis in Emergency Department: Morphine Related Anaphylactoid Reaction

Mutlu Kartal, Cem Oktay, Ayşe Bacanlı Gözlükaya, Özgür Karadeniz

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
8121 12681

Bioterrorism and anthrax

Mustafa Serinken, Selda Sayın Kutlu

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
8927 4770

Emergency Medicine Physicians can Manage all Emergent Procedures in the Emergency Department

Hassan AMIRI, Samad SHAMS VAHDATI, Niloofar GHODRAT, Azin SOHRABI, Leila RASI MARZABADI, Arezoo Garadaghı

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
8888 3713

Effects of Particulate Air Pollution on Emergency Department Visits for Headache as Chief Complaint

Murat Özsaraç, Hatice Uluer, Murat Ersel, Selahattin Kıyan, Aslihan Yürüktümen, Eylem Ersan

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
9158 3942

Effects of suicide methods and demographic data on mortality in patients presented with suicide attempts to the emergency department

Cahfer Güloğlu, Şervan Gökhan, Mehmet Üstündağ, Murat Orak

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
8445 2257

Disaster prepradeness and education levels at Turkish Academic Emergency Departments

Murat Ersel, Ersin Aksay, Selahattin Kıyan

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
8179 2360

Patients’ opinions in regard with the witnessed cardiopulmonary resuscitation in emercency departments

Deniz Çolak, Fatma Eti Aslan

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
9639 2941

A case of cyst hydatid rupture presented with rashes to the emergency department

Yavuz Katırcı, Hayati Kandiş

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
8494 5474

Management of violence in emergency service

Cem Şengül, Deniz Şimşek, Mustafa Serinken

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
8492 3437

An analysis of training needs of the nurses at the emergency services in Izmir

Gülay Oyur Çelik, Selahattin Kıyan, Yasemin Tokem, Yasemin Yıldırım, Meral Dölek, Cemile Akbinar, Fikriye Turaba

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
8050 3228

Investigetion of parents’ satisfaction and the causative factors in pediatric emergency department

Nazik Aşılıoğlu, Tuğrul Akkuş, Kemal Baysal

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
8431 2647

The Complaint and Outcome of Geriatric Patient in Emergency Department

Betül Gülalp, Hasan Aldinç, Özlem Karagün, Yasemin Çetinel, Sibel Benli

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
9564 3699

New biomarkers in emergency department


Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
8558 2640

Concordance between Emergency Physicians and Cardiologists in Emergency Department

Selahattin Kıyan, Rıdvan Atilla, Nezihi Barış, Murat Özsaraç, Nesibe Sönmez, Suat Kımaz, Bülent Erbil

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
8169 3619

Demographic features of chest trauma patients

Hayati Kandiş, Hayati Deniz, Ahmet Güngör, Yavuz Katırcı, Turgut Deniz

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
8353 2143

Analysis of patients with acute intoxication in a two year period

Selahattin Kıyan, Murat Özsaraç, Murat Ersel, Aslıhan Yürüktümen, Eylem Karahallı, Enver Özçete, Özgür Çevrim

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
9665 2182

Types and pathophsiology of injuries following to bombing attack in Ankara, May 2007: 45 patients with multiple injuries

Volkan Genç, Zafer Ergül, Engin Ölçülüoğlu, Bülent AKINCI, Hakan Kulaçoğlu, İrfan Şencan

Issue: 2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
8068 2619