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All manuscripts submitted for publication are strictly reviewed for their originality, methodology, importance, quality, ethical nature, and suitability for the journal. Editors have full authority over the editorial and scientific content of Turk J Emerg Med and the timing of publication of the content.

Turk J Emerg Med is based on independent and unbiased double-blinded peer-reviewed principles. Only unpublished papers that are not under review for publication elsewhere can be submitted. The authors are responsible for the scientific content of the material to be published. Turk J Emerg Med reserves the right to request any research materials on which the paper is based.

The authors should not contact any of the associate editors or section editors during the review process. All necessary information about a manuscript's process can be obtained from the editorial office ( or Due to double-blinded review principles, authors and reviewers' names are not known to the other.

Peer-Review and Publication Process

  • Review by the Technical Editors and Similarity check with iThenticate [Technical Modifications or Assign to an Editor-in-Chief]
  • Evaluation by the Editors-in-Chief: [immediate reject, immediate revision, Technical Modification or further evaluation] -  1 week
  • Review by a Senior Associate Editor, two or more external reviewers  – 3 weeks
  • A decision by the Editors-in-Chief: [Accept, Revision, Reject]
  • Above loop is repeated until a decision is reached
  • Language and Copy editing
  • Author proofs 
  • Editor proofs
  • Article In Press online publication with a DOI
  • Publication in an Issue

Technical Modifications and Similarity Check

The submitted manuscripts are reviewed by the Technical Editors of Turk J Emerg Med for technical merit and compatibility with the Instructions to Authors. If the submission is technically correct, then a similarity check is performed with iThenticate, and the manuscript is sent to one of the Editors-in-Chief. 

Immediate Reject

We receive far more papers than we can publish; thus, all papers are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief on submission, but only some will be sent on for external peer review. Our goal is to give you a decision within one week for submissions we are not sending on for further review. 


For submissions granted further evaluation, Editor-in-Chief assigns one of the Associate Editors, and at least two reviewers. Our goal is to notify Authors with the acceptance of their submission for peer-review within 14 days (Technical Evaluation), complete the peer-review period in 21 days, and provide the first evaluation and notification in 28 days from the receipt of the manuscript. 


The Authors are given 10 days for minor revisions and 20 days for major revisions. 

Language Editing

All manuscripts will be evaluated by Language Editors before considered for publication during the last loop of the revisions. Authors are expected to revise according to the Language Editor's suggestions with the help of a professional service or native English speaker.

Author Proofs

The final page layout is provided to the authors within 30 days of the acceptance of the manuscript for publication, for a final review and proof.


Preprints (the pre-review manuscript submitted to a journal, or any earlier draft) aim to improve scientific findings' openness and accessibility, enhance collaboration among researchers, and document provenance of ideas. Importantly, they allow the timely sharing of completed research within the academic community. By posting preprints, authors can immediately make their findings available to the health sciences community and receive feedback on draft manuscripts before they are submitted to journals for formal publication.

Turk J Emerg Med fully supports and encourages the archiving of preprints in any recognized, not-for-profit, preprint server, such as medRxiv, arXiv, bioRxiv. We do not consider the deposition of preprints in dedicated preprint repositories to be prior publication. The authors must include a link/DOI to the preprint version of their manuscript during submission. We do not recommend that Accepted Manuscripts are placed on preprint servers.

You agree to add the following citation and link to your preprint upon publication of your article by Turk J Emerg med: “This article has been published in [insert full citation] following peer review and can also be viewed on the journal’s website at [insert DOI].

Author Self-Archiving

As the author, you may wish to post your article in an institutional or subject repository or on a scientific, social sharing network. You may also link your published article to your preprint (if applicable).

Open Access Policy: No Publication or Article Processing Fees 

We do not ask for any kind of fees during submission, review, acceptance, or publication, and we do not ask for any payments to read or download final published articles. Publication in Turk J Emerg Med is entirely free and fully sponsored by Emergency Medicine Association of Türkiye (EMAT).

Material Disclaimer

All information, opinions, and reports within the articles published in Turk J Emerg Med are the authors' personal opinions. The Editors, the publisher, and EMAT do not accept any responsibility for these articles. 


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