2005, Volume 5, Issue 3
Research Article
Neonatal presentations to the pediatric emergency department
Ü. Vatansever, H. Çelik, N. Aladağ, N. Öner, B. Acunaş
Pages: 113-117 (7193 views 1483 downloads)
How much is blood cultures valuable for adult emergency department patients?
Yusuf Yürümez, Y. Yavuz, İ. H Çiftçi, Kamil Tünay, Nilay Kıyıldı
Pages: 118-121 (6541 views 1705 downloads)
The satisfaction levels of patients staying in emergency department of Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital
Meral Dölek, F. Turaba, C. Akbinar, B. Sezgin, H. Aksu, İ. Solak
Pages: 122-127 (8813 views 1805 downloads)
Evalvation of knowledge and skills of different professions on basic life support
H. Türkan, Mustafa Serinken, S. Şener, O. Çınar, A. Tansel, M. Eroğlu
Pages: 128-132 (8300 views 1509 downloads)
The retrospective analysis of nontroumatic forensic cases in emergency department
S. Bilge, Şahin Aslan, Y. Katırcı, M. Uzkeser, G. Ersunan, A. Sarıtaş
Pages: 133-137 (8048 views 1488 downloads)
Case Report / Case Series
Improper consultation process in emergency departments and its medico-legal aspects
H. Türkan, Serkan Şener, H. Tuğcu
Pages: 138-141 (8988 views 1959 downloads)
Inferior glenohumeral dislocation (luxatio erecta): presentation of two cases
Polat Durukan, M. Yıldız, A. Barik, N. Kaya, E. Yılmaz
Pages: 142-144 (8480 views 1503 downloads)
Review Article
The rights of emergency medicine employees
Mehmet Eryılmaz, S. Yılmaz
Pages: 145-155 (6651 views 1568 downloads)
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