The rights of emergency medicine employees
Mehmet Eryılmaz1, S. Yılmaz2
1Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi, Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı
2Kocaeli Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı
In the scope of rights of the employees in health sector, it is hard to consider the emergency medicine employees’ rights separately and isolated. In Emergency Medicine System (EMS), the rights of both the ones serve and the ones being served are interdependent. Actually, each of the health stuff is a potential patient and companion of a patient. In point of fact, emergency service employees are first of all human. They have the basic individual human rights like everyone. They posses all of the rights explained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights like any other individual in the world. Besides, emergency employees are member of the social community. They have to perform the roles and achieve the tasks that are necessitated by the society they belong. They have responsibilities to their family, colleagues, country, national merit and ideals. Because of the developments in the medicine, an emergency employee should improve his/herself parallel to the improvements. Rights of applying and benefiting from scientific developments, right of carrying out his profession within ethical rules, right of protecting his own health, right of being independent in terms of carrying out his profession, right of defending economic facilities, right of being able to be agree with administration and being able to participate in the administration, right of taking care of certain number of patients at certain time, right of choosing the treatment method, rights against written and visual media are the rights and responsibilities of a physician. Problems of emergency employees will extinct in the condition when the rights are clarified, received, or obtained. A problem-free productive system will ensure handing over almost all the rights to the patients and companions of the patients being served. Thus, they would not suffer from the basic problems of health system anymore