Relationship Between Level of Burnout and Job Satisfaction in Emergency Department Personnel

Ali Talip Akpınar, Yunus Taş

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2011.89804

Issue: 2011, Volume 11, Issue 4
9282 5873

Causes of Delay in Patient Triage in the Emergency Departments of Tabriz Hospitals

Abbas Dadashzadeh, Farahnaz Abdollahzadeh, Samad Shams Vahdati, Mozhgan Lotfi, Morteza Ghojazadeh, Simindokht Bagheri Mehmandousti

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2011.59354

Issue: 2011, Volume 11, Issue 3
10515 4863

Violence Against Emergency Medical Personnel Assistant

Berna Şahin, Şengül Gaygısız, Fethi Murat Balcı, Derya Öztürk, Müge Bedriye Sönmez, Cemil Kavalcı

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2011.87597

Issue: 2011, Volume 11, Issue 3
9240 5344

Incidence of metoclopramide-induced methemoglobinemia

Emine Akıncı, Yücel Yüzbaşıoğlu, Semra Aslay, Figen Coşkun

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2011.90582

Issue: 2011, Volume 11, Issue 2
10121 4624

Factors associated with rejection of renal transplant patients in the Emergency Department

Ayşe Gözlükaya, Oktay Eray, Özlem Yiğit, Erkan Göksu, Cenker Eken

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
8267 5168

An Emergency Department perspective: Ambulance transfers and referral consents of the patients

Özge Duman Atilla, Deniz Oray, Şehnaz Akın, Kerim Acar, Adnan Bilge

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
9104 5344

Analysis of the patient satisfaction forms about Emergency Department services at Akdeniz University Hospital

Özlem Yiğit, Cem Oktay, Gülçin Bacakoğlu

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
8572 4350

Spontaneous hemopneumothorax case that presented to the Emergency Department in shock state

Ali Karakuş, Hayati Kandiş, Ahmet Güngör, Mustafa Şahan, Ertan Sönmez

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
8851 8049

Characteristics of the cases of bicycle and motorcycle accidents referred to the Emergency Department

Sedat Koçak, Keziban Uçar, Ayşegül Bayır, Birsen Ertekin

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
8708 5041

Emergency Severity Index triage system and implementation experience in a university hospital

Orhan Çınar, Erdem Çevik, Necati Salman, Bilgin Cömert

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
9413 6571

Intoxication cases which one of two died due to hydrogen sulfide intoxication

Mustafa Serinken, Mert Özen, Emrah Uyanık

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
8820 7182

A chest pain rarely seen in emergency room: Spontaneous pneumomediastinum

Mahmut Taş, Ayhan Özhasenekler, Şervan Gökhan

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
8948 6937

New infectious threats for Emergency Departments

Polat Durukan

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
8775 5222

Explosion at gunpowder factory Kırıkkale Chemical Industry Machinery after emergency service management

Ali Karakuş, Hayati Kandiş, Turgut Deniz, Mustafa Şahan

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
9810 4620

Evaluation of patient transfers to the emergency department of a university hospital

Cem Ertan, Feride Sinem Akgün, Neslihan Yücel

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
8912 4433

Intraorbital foreign bodies in maxillofacial traumas

Nilgün Yıldırım, Bige Sayın, Tuğba Durakoğlugil, Perihan Soydinç, Doğan Dede

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
9390 5390

Scarf pin aspirations that required thoracotomy and pulmonary resection

Yunsur Çevik, Murat Daş, Asliddin Ahmedali, Erkan Balkan, Ferhat İçme

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
8884 4472

Associations Between Air Pollution and Emergency Department Visits for Ischemic Stroke, Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases, in Izmir

Murat Ozsarac, Hatice Uluer, Nese Oray, Selahattin Kıyan, Murat Ersel, Aslihan Yuruktumen

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
9136 4137

Comparison of Computerized Spiral Tomography with Ultrasonography for Detection of Ureteral Calculi

Can Aktaş, Esin Yencilek, Didem Ay, Baki Ekçi, Sezgin Sarıkaya, Uğur Özalp

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
8952 3907

Clinical Indicators of Traumatic Brain Injury and Skull Fracture in Pediatric Head Trauma Patients

Murat ÖZSARAÇ, Özgür KARCIOĞLU, Hakan TOPAÇOĞLU, Cüneyt AYRIK, Selahattin KIYAN, Serkan SENER, Serhat GÜMRÜKÇÜ, Yücel DEMİRAL, Hatice ULUER

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
9922 4759