2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
Research Article
Comparison of Ottawa Ankle Rules and Bernese Ankle Rules in Acute Ankle and Midfoot Injuries
Ozkan Kose, Servan Gokhan, Ayhan Ozhasenekler, Mustafa Celıktas, Seyhmus Yıgıt, Serkan Gurcan
Pages: 101-105 (10391 views 8502 downloads)
An Evaluation of Pre-Admission Factors Affecting the Admission Time of Patients with Stroke Symptoms
Tanzer Korkmaz, Gürkan Ersoy, Kürşad Kutluk, Bülent Erbil, Funda Karbek Akarca, Nesibe Sönmez, Ömer Faruk Demir
Pages: 106-111 (9941 views 4089 downloads)
Characteristics of the cases of bicycle and motorcycle accidents referred to the Emergency Department
Sedat Koçak, Keziban Uçar, Ayşegül Bayır, Birsen Ertekin
Pages: 112-118 (8900 views 5164 downloads)
Mushroom poisonings reported to the Dokuz Eylul University drug and poison information center
Nil Hocaoğlu, Şule Kalkan, Yeşim Tunçok
Pages: 119-125 (10307 views 4384 downloads)
Emergency Severity Index triage system and implementation experience in a university hospital
Orhan Çınar, Erdem Çevik, Necati Salman, Bilgin Cömert
Pages: 126-131 (9607 views 6802 downloads)
Visual Diagnosis
Case Report / Case Series
Cardiotoxicity developed after the use of cayenne pepper pill for slimming: A report of two cases
Özgür Söğüt, Halil Kaya, Mehmet Tahir Gökdemir, Mustafa Sümer Nimetoğlu, Leyla Solduk
Pages: 133-136 (28667 views 14104 downloads)
Acute subdural hematoma caused by clopidrogel
Nail Özdemir, Murat Yıldırım, Kaan Altınkaya
Pages: 137-140 (8944 views 4799 downloads)
Intoxication cases which one of two died due to hydrogen sulfide intoxication
Mustafa Serinken, Mert Özen, Emrah Uyanık
Pages: 141-143 (9006 views 7305 downloads)
A chest pain rarely seen in emergency room: Spontaneous pneumomediastinum
Mahmut Taş, Ayhan Özhasenekler, Şervan Gökhan
Pages: 144-146 (9129 views 7058 downloads)
Review Article
New infectious threats for Emergency Departments
Polat Durukan
Pages: 148-159 (8969 views 5336 downloads)