The Mobile Right Ventricle Thrombus Detected By Echocardiography And A Case Of Massive Pulmonary Embolus Treated Succesfully By Thrombolitic Agent

Serdar Soydinç, V. Davutoğlu, C. Yıldırım, N. Ünay, Z. Küçükdurmaz

Issue: 2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
7625 4672

A rare complication of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and thrombolytic treatment in a patient with massive pulmonary embolism: Intraperitoneal hemorrhage

Sefer Ozgur, Ersin Aksay, Aysen Aydın Kacar

DOI: 10.4103/2452-2473.301916

Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 1
3958 1574

Splenic infarction and pulmonary embolism as a rare manifestation of COVID‐19

Egemen Yildiz*, Dilay Satilmis, Erdem Cevik

DOI: 10.4103/2452-2473.329627

Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 4
2681 1564

Bilateral continuous serratus anterior plane block: An effective alternative for bilateral multiple rib fracture analgesia

Anju Gupta, Aasim Ahmed, Amit Kumar Malviya

DOI: 10.4103/2452-2473.336104

Issue: 2022, Volume 22, Issue 1
2853 1283

Catheter-directed thrombolysis in a COVID-19 patient complicated with pulmonary embolism

Betul Balaban Kocas, Kadriye Kilickesmez

DOI: 10.4103/2452-2473.336102

Issue: 2022, Volume 22, Issue 1
3689 1215

Poor adherence to the recommended pulmonary embolism diagnostic pathway in the emergency department: A retrospective cohort study

Alia M. Hadid(0000-003-2725-3561), Ala Jalabi, Mahmoud Anka, Arif Alper Cevik

DOI: 10.4103/2452-2473.366486

Issue: 2023, Volume 23, Issue 1
2553 1226