2019, Volume 19, Issue 3
Research Article
A clinical prediction rule for uncomplicated ureteral stone: The STONE score; a prospective observational validation cohort study
Arash Safaie, Mojdeh Mirzadeh, Ehsan Aliniagerdroudbari, Sepideh Babaniamansour, Alireza Baratloo
DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2019.04.001 ·
Pages: 091-095 (1806 views 2016 downloads)
Comparison of social supports for geriatric patients admitted to emergency department for trauma and medical reasons
Tuba Safak, Emine Emektar, Yasir Safak, Eda Kan, Seref Kerem Corbacioglu, Yunsur Cevik
DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2019.04.002 ·
Pages: 096-099 (2387 views 1493 downloads)
Comparison the effect of trained and untrained family presence on their anxiety during invasive procedures in an emergency department: A randomized controlled trial
Zarei Fathabadi Alireza, Ansari Jaberi Ali, Negahban Bonabi Tayebeh
DOI: negahbant@yahoo.com ·
Pages: 100-105 (1779 views 1851 downloads)
SOFA and qSOFA at admission to the emergency department: Diagnostic sensitivity and relation with prognosis in patients with suspected infection
Rodrigo de Freitas Garbero, Analice Alves Simões, Gabriela Alves Martins, Ludmilla Vale da Cruz, Vinícius Gabriel Monteiro von Zuben
DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2019.05.002 ·
Pages: 106-110 (2356 views 2153 downloads)
Case Report / Case Series
Successful use of VV-ECMO in a pregnant patient with severe ARDS
Laurence Carlier, Jan Muller, Yves Debaveye, Sandra Verelst, Steffen Rex
DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2019.04.003 ·
Pages: 111-112 (1645 views 1766 downloads)
Extensive pyomyositis of prevertebral muscles after acupuncture: Case report
M. Tucciarone, S. Taliente, R. Gómez-Blasi Camacho, R. Souviron Encabo, R. González-Orús Álvarez-Morujo
DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2019.03.003 ·
Pages: 113-114 (1985 views 1786 downloads)
Add oleander to your list of corrosives
Omer Taskin, Fuat Belli, Ayca Acikalin, Nezihat Rana Disel
DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2018.12.002 ·
Pages: 115-116 (2442 views 1890 downloads)
Air embolism through open hub of external jugular vein intravenous cannula
Chitta R. Mohanty, Suma R. Ahmad, Mantu Jain, Bhavna Sriramka
DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2019.06.002 ·
Pages: 117-119 (1847 views 1783 downloads)