A rare complication of cardiopulmonary resuscitation applied during transportation by ambulance: A case report of flail chest
Güner Yurtsever, Adnan Yamanoglu, Ejder Saylav Bora, Fatih Esad Topal
Department of Emergency Medicine, Izmir Kâtip Celebi University, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey
Keywords: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, case report, flail chest, lung injury, rib fractures
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to be applied during patient transfer by ambulance differs from CPR applied in the field or in the hospital in terms of physical condition. Especially the deeper and faster chest compressions recommended in the latest CPR guidelines, when administered during ambulance transport, may result in a further increase in traumatic CPR complications. However, in the current CPR guidelines, there are no clear recommendations regarding additional measures that can be taken to reduce the complications and increase the efficiency of CPR during patient transport. In this study, a case of flail chest that developed after short term CPR application during ambulance transport is presented. The aim of this study was to evaluate the flail chest complication and solution suggestions that may occur due to chest compressions applied during transportation.
How to cite this article: Yurtsever G, Yamanoglu A, Bora ES, Topal FE. A rare complication of cardiopulmonary resuscitation applied during transportation by ambulance: A case report of flail chest. Turk J Emerg Med 2022;22:159-62.
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Consent to participate: A signed consent form was obtained from the patient.
Conceptualization; Güner Yurtsever(equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu(equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Data curation; Güner Yurtsever (equa l), Adnan Yamanoğlu (lead), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Formal analysis; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Funding acquisition; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Investigation; Güner Yurtsever(equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Methodology; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Project administration; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Resources; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Software; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Supervision; Güner Yurtsever(equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (lead), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (lead), Validation; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Visualization; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (lead), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal), Writing – review & editing; Güner Yurtsever (equal), Adnan Yamanoğlu (equal), Ejder Saylav Bora (equal), Fatih Esad Topal (equal).
None Declared.
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