Factors affecting to hospital admisson for renal transplant patients in the emergency department
Mutlu Kartal, Erkan Göksu, Oktay Eray, Faruk Güngör
Akdeniz Üniveristesi Tıp Fakültesi, Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı, Antalya
Keywords: Fever, hospitalization; high pulse rate; renal transplant
Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the factors affecting hospitalization of renal transplant patients presenting to the emergency department.
Methods: This retrospective study was performed between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2005. Demographic properties, vital parameters, diagnosis and discharge or hospitalization status of the patients were obtained from the hospital registry and recorded.
Results: Data of 163 patients were analyzed. Ninety-three (57%) of the participants were male and the mean age 37 years. 128 patients were live-donor recipients and 35 patients were cadaver kidney recipients. As part of immunosuppressive therapy, all patients were receiving corticosteroid therapy. Seventy four of those patients (45%) were on tacrolimus and 89 patients (55%) were on cyclosporine. Urinary tract infection was the most common diagnosis. Sixty-six (40%) of the patients were admitted and six patients died. Logistic regression analysis showed that fever (p=0.018 %95 GA 1.093-2.583) and high pulse rate (p=0.024 %95 GA 1.003-1.042) were predictors of hospitalization.
Conclusions: Renal transplant patients presenting to emergency department with fever and high pulse rate should warn the physician about the underlying serious pathology and should be considered for hospitalization.