Ebru İnal1, Semanur Kocagöz2, Melikşah Turan2

1Department Of Public Health, Hacettepe Unıversıty, Ankara, Turkey
2Gümüşhane University Kelkit Helath Occupation High School, Gümüşhane

Keywords: Disaster, basic disaster consciousness, disaster preparedness; disaster plan


Objectives: The behaviors of individuals during disasters are determined by their level of disaster readiness and their knowledge of disaster threats. The aim of this research was to determine the basic disaster consciousness levels of individuals between the ages of 18 and 23.
Methods: The study included 291 students from Kelkit Aydın Doğan vocational school at the University of Gümüşhane. Each student completed a questionnaire with 10 informative questions about disaster consciousness. The data were evaluated using the chi-square test and the t-test.
Results: Not all 291 students answered each question. Of 285 students, 74.0% had not received any education on disaster preparedness. Of 249 students, 85.9% did not have a disaster preparedness plan. Of 266 students, 88.7% did not have an emergency kit. Out of 10 possible points, participants received 3.00±1.58 points on average for disaster preparedness.
Conclusion: The point average for student participants was quite low. Previous disaster training significantly increased the number of points received by participants. Disaster training should be extended to a wider range of individuals.