Greater weever fish: A case of poisoning with sea creatures far away from the sea.
Sezin Bozkurt1, Sertaç Güler2, Gökhan Aksel2, İsa Kılıçaslan1
1Department Of Emergency Medicine, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
2Department Of Emergency, Mardin State Hospital, Mardin
Keywords: Trachinus Draco, greater weever, venomous fish, hot water, emergency
Trachinus Draco, known as greater weever fish, probably seen more frequently than has been reported. However, only a few clinical cases have been reported in the literature that describes Trachinus species envenomation. Here, we presented a case poisoned by a weever fish and try to describe the signs/symptoms and treatment modalities of the weever fish envenomation and also tried to emphasize poisonings that could be far from the sea with dead sea creatures.